Monday, November 7, 2016

Do You Know Your Sweat Can Tell A Lot Of Interesting Things About Your Health?

It is a very well know fact that our body cools itself by sweating, but actually, there is more to those droplets of water oozing out of your body whenever you stand under the sun, do a strenous task or workout in the gym.
People can know a lot about their health by their sweat. It will shock you to learn that sweat has no smell of its own and in fact, it is purer than many kinds od drinking water. Your sweat mixes with the bacteria residing on your body that it starts giving off a distinct smell. Many people sweat periodically, but depending upon situation, one can sweat persistently and excessively. Here are 9 surprising and interesting things that your sweat is likely to tell you about your health. Read ahead
  1. Emotional state of a person can be gauged by sweat
One study was conducted where women were asked to smell the sweat samples of 12 men who happened to watch either scarry or happy videos. Those women who smelled the men who watched happy videos ended up smiling, while those who smelled the sweat of those who watched scary videos ended up making unpleasent expressions.
  1. Sweat produced during anxiety may have intense smell
When  a person is stressed, the sweat comes from the apocrine glands and it is a mixture of protein and fat that combines with those places that have high bacteria levels, resulting in the production of intense smell. On the other hand, when the body is merely hot, sweat comes from the eccrine glands and the smell of it is not so distinctive
  1. xcessive sweating during pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, her endocrine system goes haywire, which often causes sweating out of nowhere. This kind of hormonal changes send false signals to the brain’s thermostat telling the brain that the body needs to cool down immediately. This can happen even at a time when you are sitting in an air conditioned room.
  1. Hot flashes of the Menopausal age
Sweating during menopause happens due to hormones becoming uncontriallbe and the endocrine system works harder to cool down the body owing to excessive sweating.
  1. Low blood sugar level accompanies excessive sweating
People whose blood sugar levels drop below 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter, experience sudden sweating which is actually a warning sign and the sweat is most likely to accumulate around the back portion of the neck and the hairline. However, there are other common symptoms of low blood sugar levels such as nausea, shakiness and quickened heartbeat.
  1. Medications and sweating
Sometimes, excessive sweating is a result of taking certain kind of medications such as antibiotics, vitamin supplements, dry mouth medicines, blood pressure pills and psychiatric drugs. During such a situation, an individual should definitely consult a doctor and ask for the right amount of dosage.
  1. Thyroid problems
You can experience too much sweating if you have an overactive thyroid gland. The sweating can lessen if you treat your overactive thyroid with medications or surgery.
  1. Lymphoma and persistent sweating
Cancer in the lymph cells can also cause constant and persistent sweating. Even though the cause of this kind of sweating is not yet known, it has been hypothesized that the excessive sweating is the reaction of the body to the other symptoms of lymphoma such as high fever. Moreover, it can result from other health conditions as well such as from gout and Parkinson’s disease.
  1. Overweight people may sweat more
Obese and overweight people tend to sweat more because their body is forced to work harder. As you can see, the extra amount of body weight causes people to sweat heavily during their routine tasks and more persistently during activities that need a certain level of exertion.
As you can see, people are in constant battle with sweat, including you, so make it stink less and avoit it during meetings and other gatherings. You should also remember that your sweat tries to tell you about your health.

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